Flower Arrangement Exhibition October 2019

The Flower Arranging Exhibition held at St. Margaret's Church over the Harvest weekend was a huge success raising almost £200.00 for parish funds. What set out as just an idea between Fr. Gary and Ann; our tutor to show the skills that the group had acquired over the last few years turned out to be a rather grand display. Each member of the group did at least one arrangement under the guidance of Ann. We had a lot of very positive feedback with some glowing comments in the Visitors Book. What struck people was the splendour of the colours in the arragements. The event was opened by the Mayor of Bargoed on the Friday evening, Saturday saw a steady flow of vistors and this was followed by Songs of Praise on the Sunday afternoon. What a lovely event that turned out to be. We welcomed many visitors to our church and the singing was tremendous. Each member of the class choosing their favourite hymn. On the Thursday and Friday it was wonderful to see people working together in love and fellowship.

Now it's time to say our thanks. Firstly, to Ann our tutor who planned and guided us through this exhibition, then to Fr. Gary who inspired us all and for tinkling the ivories so superbly at the Songs of Praise; and yes it turned out to be a Flower Festival after all, to June and her team of helpers who provided much appreciated refreshments, to Aiden, Jeanette and Enid for decorating the wheel barrows and to all our class members who worked so hard and really showed how good they are.

Thank you all/Diolch o'r galon. Gaynor.

St. Margaret's Church, Gilfach.
Our Flower Arranging Group with Cllr Reg. Carroll and Rev'd Gary Powell.
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Mike O'Leary Cynthia Williams Ann Willets
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Enid Mayne and Linda Trollope Sandra Lane Ann Willets
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Margaret, Jan. Cheryl and Linda Nesta Williams Ann Willets
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Rev. Gary Powell. Jenn East Mike O'Leary
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  Margaret, Jan. Cheryl and Linda Moira
Gaynor Harris   Enid and Aiden
  Hilda and Cynthia  
Jenn East Lyn Jenn East
St. Catwg's Church, Gelligaer - Harvest Flowers


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